Looking For Alaska – Review

Looking For Alaska — John Green

Coming across this book was sort of a happy accident – it was sent to me instead of the copy of Paper Towns that I had originally ordered. The protagonist is Miles, a teenage nobody who moves to a boarding school with the intention of finding ”the Great Perhaps”, and on the way he does become somebody. He was a fantastic character who did change for the better throughout the story. His love interest was Alaska, a crazy live-life-to-the-fullest feminist. She was likable enough, but nothing special. The character that stuck out the most to me was Colonel  – funny, loyal, and a strong personality. He outshone even Miles in my opinion.


“What the hell is that?” I laughed.
“It’s my fox hat.”
“Your fox hat?”
“Yeah, Pudge. My fox hat.”
“Why are you wearing your fox hat?” I asked.
“Because no one can catch the motherfucking fox.”

It was written beautifully, I do wish I could say more, but with this one, I don’t know how to without spoiling everything.



The Book Blogger

Let’s start off with the basics:

1). Hi, I’m M.

2) I’m seventeen.

3). I’m into Young Adult and Mystery/Thriller.

4). Forgive the lame URL, the good one were taken.

I’m an avid reader, going into my senior year of my high school. I’ve loved to read since I was little, it was something of an escape for me. As I’ve grown, I’ve changed a lot, but the one thing that has remained constant is my love of books. What I found out though is that the only thing I enjoy reading books is writing them. I’ve written a few, ost of them are rubbish drafts and short stories. The ones that I am proud of are on my Wattpad. My username is Toxic_Wonderland. I’m also a fashion/style blogger, my blog is on Tumblr. The point of this particular blog is to review books as soon as I’m done with them, and to let people know my thoughts on them.


Tumblr Blog: http://waunderlove.tumblr.com

Wattpad: http://wattpad.com/user/toxic_wonderland